Sunday, December 13, 2020

What's the Best Pheromone Spray?


Where to put pheromone perfume?

 Apply the pheromone perfume to the pulse point areas of the body. Pulse points or hot spots are areas where human body produces greater body heat. These include the wrists, base of the neck at the throat, center of the chest, inner part of the elbow, the hair and scalp, and behind the ears.

Who invented the pheromone?

Who discovered pheromones?

The term pheromone was coined in 1959. Peter Karlson and Martin Luscher, two researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Munich, Germany, argued that within the cloud of molecules produced by animals some were more special than others.

Where is pheromone cologne sold?

Pheromones are often sold as pheromone spray or as pheromone gel

There are hundreds of it are sold online but many may not be authentic. 
Visit: to get a sample spray before you buy anything off the market.

What are the best Pheromone Perfumes?


  • Pherazone: Best For Sexual Attraction.
  • Desire Me XS: Best For Romantic Feelings.
  • Fantasy XS: Long-Lasting Formula.
  • True Sexiness: Best For Instant Chemistry.
  • Primal Women: Best For Improving Confidence and Mood.

Where to buy pheromone?

You can buy and get a sample Pheromone Spray at this site:

When was pheromone invented?

 It is believed that the first pheromone, bombykol, was identified in 1959. Bombykol is secreted by female moths and is designed to attract males.

What's the Best Pheromone Spray?